Komplett verktøy forHøykvalitets-skjermopptak , redigering og publisering

Edit video on a timeline: add music, titles, and callouts, overlay stickers, apply filters and special effects, incorporate transitions
Create your own movies and slideshows in just a few steps thanks to the Montage Wizard
Split videos, cut out unwanted parts, join multiple clips into one
Convert video, audio, and images to 180+ formats and presets; support for over 200 mobile devices
Record screencasts, capture TV tuner, webcam, and VHS output
Play back videos in any formats
Burn CD, DVD, and Blu-ray discs; rip unencrypted DVDs
Share files online: upload to YouTube, Facebook, Amazon S3

Komplett verktøy for 360 - graders video & foto redigering og publisering

Work with 360° videos and photos on a timeline
Cut footage, remove unwanted segments
Enhance image quality manually or automatically
Apply color filters, insert transitions between segments
Add simple or animated text to your panoramic video
Choose music from the built-in collection or upload your favorite tracks
Export videos for viewing on your PC or upload to YouTube right from the program